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What does being a "Friends of the Farm" member mean?

It means supporting local, sustainable agriculture.

You know how expensive produce can be, especially when it's grown organically.  We want to help! Becoming a "Friends of the Farm" member to receive deep discounts on produce.   


"Friends of the Farm” Gold members will have access to excess vegetable supply. We intentionally over plant our fields to make sure we have enough food to bring to the community, but this often results in too much food to sell in a given week.  Too much food is a good problem to have, but not for a farmer. Seeing delicious food go to animals or compost isn’t our first choice. We want you to enjoy it! 

In addition, all "Friends of the Farm" members will have access to deeply discounted 'ugly produce' that isn't suitable to bring to the farmers market.  The 'ugly produce' may be nibbled on by insects, slightly bruised, the wrong size or misshapen, but it is still delicious and edible. 'Ugly produce' is great for soups, sauces, salsa, juicing, dehydrating, freezing, canning, and pickling.  Don't give up your chance to stock your pantry with delicious produce you can enjoy all year.  

We are committed to keeping you informed on what's growing and what is fresh each week. 

Friends of the Farm" will receive a special update listing excess produce and 'ugly produce' that you can pick up right at the source, our farm in Woodinville. Simply send us a message and let us know what veggies you're interested in. We will harvest, package, and schedule a pick up time with you.

This is how it works:

The membership works like a gift card ...but with added benefits. "Friends of the Farm" can use your balance to purchase fresh, seasonal produce from us via the website (using a promo code) or direct from the farm each week.

Giving you a deep discount on excess inventory and 'ugly produce' can greatly reduce your produce spending.

Pick out all the veggies that you and your family love, or challenge yourself to try something new! We will keep track of your balance and alert you when it is getting low. (Membership will be valid for 12 months.)

Support GAINING GROUND with your yearly membership and receive fresh, seasonal produce all year. 

​Become a member prior to March 31, 2021 and receive 10% discount for signing up early.

Use coupon code EarlyMember at checkout.

- Best VALUE -

Gold Membership - $500

Become a Gold Member and receive 35% off on 'ugly produce' all season long, May - October.

35% discount also applies to excess inventory (perfect or 'ugly') as supplies last.

Silver Membership - $400

Become a Silver Member and receive 20% off on 'ugly produce' all season long, May - October.

Visit Shop our Crop to become a Friends of the Farm member.

Friends of the Farm: Text
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